guys Thats my first blog so. please never mind about mistakes
sohere we goes
Today i m going to describe how to use virtual box its an freeware provided by oracle sofware you can download it from given link download software for windows based platform & run and install it.
After that u will get a window like that
ok then click on new button given on it or Just press CTRL+N that will do that for you foolw the instructions
as given
(1) click next
(2) put name of os u want to use.
(3) select the version of ur os.
(4) Share RAM with ur virtual machine
(5) after dat select create a new hardisk
(6) Select VDI
(7) select Dynamically allocate because it can be modified when ever u want.
(8) Select Size of ur virtual hardisk.
(9) at last click on create & u r done now boot ur selected os on it &enjoy..........
so thats my first blog hope u like it byee for now........
sohere we goes
Today i m going to describe how to use virtual box its an freeware provided by oracle sofware you can download it from given link download software for windows based platform & run and install it.
After that u will get a window like that
ok then click on new button given on it or Just press CTRL+N that will do that for you foolw the instructions
as given
(1) click next
(2) put name of os u want to use.
(3) select the version of ur os.
(4) Share RAM with ur virtual machine
(5) after dat select create a new hardisk
(6) Select VDI
(7) select Dynamically allocate because it can be modified when ever u want.
(8) Select Size of ur virtual hardisk.
so thats my first blog hope u like it byee for now........